Monday, 11 August 2014


All about the Great Researcher

Biomedical researcher Michael Mullan has conducted Alzheimer’s disease which was based on the identification of the Swedish Mutation which is present in the familial form. This person is trained in England as a physician and received his medical degree in 1995 and PhD in molecular genetics from London University. Currently he is working as a CEO and the president of the Roskamp Institute. He has published more than 200 papers.

He had conducted the important medical research in neurodegenerative disorders. He is a very experienced person and is also imparting knowledge on the subject dementia. He is working in research centers and medical institutions too.

Fighting Alzheimer’s Disease

It was a very great study by him at Roskamp Institute at Sarasota Florida in which he discovered that that all the disorders which are genetic are found to be in amyloidal genes. The whole of this research was basically based on the Amyloid and now is categorized as a very important part of the Alzheimer’s disease. It is also found that this disease is commonly found at the ages of 50 to 70. All the studies which were conducted followed by a result that the small protein amyloid when accumulates can contribute to the series of things which can lead to cognitive declination and degeneration.

The research was going-on on mice which had the errors in it like a human who is on the early stage of the disorder called Alzheimer. This study on the mice  has gave the researchers an idea about how a small protein called amyloid can cause disorder  and can lead to the death of neurons. Many of the pharmaceutical labs and academic labs have this kind of mice. So they used to test many such drugs on the mice which can prevent them from this disease. Just to give a solution to this problem, many researches were conducted. This disease actually came from a family of a woman Carol Jennings from England. Her family had this genetic problem in which fifty percent that is half of the off springs who used to take birth in their family were having this disease at an early stage. And then she started for the search of the people who were interested to carry on the research on Alzheimer’s disease. By doing this she not only helped her family but also helped the people who were suffering from this disease.

At all the positions on which Michael Mullan worked, he made efforts to research on the cure of neurodegenerative disorders for the long-term.
The Roskamp institute at which he worked was always working on the fact that they wanted to understand the causes and the perfect cures for neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders and the kind of addictions that happens due to that. This institute had utilized all the range of scientific and technological approaches, so that they can understand its causes and the kind of various therapies for curing this disorder with the emphasis laid on the Alzheimer’s disease.

For More Details Visit Here: -- Michael Mullan Roskamp

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